STARTHack 21
STARTHack 21 Nach der erfolgreichen KPMG Ideation Challenge 2021 im Februar – bei der das Team Apollo Insights von ETHSG in das nationale Finale aufgestiegen ist – wurde ETHSG im März zum…
STARTHack 21 Nach der erfolgreichen KPMG Ideation Challenge 2021 im Februar – bei der das Team Apollo Insights von ETHSG in das nationale Finale aufgestiegen ist – wurde ETHSG im März zum…
KPMG Ideation Challenge 2021 Congratulations to the ETHSG team “Apollo Insights” which reached second place in the national finals of the KPMG Ideation Challenge 2021! During three days of intense brainstorming and research,…
HackZurich 21 edition This year’s edition of the renowned HackZurich took place in a hybrid form (on-site and virtually) from 24th to 26th of September 2021. Our team created a new way…
HSG Kick-off HS21 We started into this new semester with our kickoff event in St. Gallen! Many new faces showed up and our board members were able to explain our…
Panel Discussion with Google, Microsoft and more We held our panel discussion on interdisciplinary collaboration with Cherez Tschopp from @microsoftch and Martin Lanter from @youtube. We wanted to thank them again for a…
ETHSG Kick-Off Event 2020 With roughly 30 people showing up, the kick-off event was a great success. For the first time students of both the HSG and the ETH have…